Monday, November 11, 2019

Weekend Reflection(1/7/2019 to6/7/2019)

The third week's reflection of teachers training was on 6/7/2019. The experiences from 1/7/2019 to 5/7/219 was shared on that day. As third July is the St. Thomas day, most of the schools have no class on that day. 6/7/19 was a working day for all those schools having a holiday on St. Thomas day. Parvathy, Shalu, Jasmine, Veena, Swathy, Anju and Athulya shared their experiences representing Sadanandapuram school, Odanavattom school, Pooyappally school, Thrikkannamangalam school, Puthoor school, Kottarakkara Mar Thoma school, Pattazhy Govt. School respectively. One of the main concerns in the discussion session was that the students are not having basic knowledge in their lessons which is affecting the teaching process. The next thing pointed out is about the discipline of students in the class. We mentioned the difficulty in taking a class while students are not listening. Our teachers gave as solutions for these kind of problems and their instructions will definitely help us in the next levels of teaching practice. After all these, we gave our next week's lesson plans for approval.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Weekend Reflection (15/7/2019-20/7/2019)

In this reflection we shared the teacher training experience from 15/7/2019 to 19/7/2019. In this week I completed the remedial classes as part of the diagnostic test conducted earlier. Students of 8th, 9th, and 10th standard have their unit tests these days. Everyone shared their comments concerning their school. Teacher trainees in Mar Thoma School presented the details regarding the Psychology School based activity. Sexual harassment was the topic taken by them. The reflection session lasted till 12:30 pm. After that teachers recollected their experience in class visits and they pointed out their views. The lesson plans were signed after .

Weekend Reflection (8/7/2019 to 13/7/2019)

Weekend reflection was conducted in our college. We shared our training experience from 8/7/2019 to 12/7/2019. We are all excited and happy to share  their experience. I have completed 5 lesson plans this week.The award for the best school by the district panchayath is won by the Pooyappally school. The award was presented in the school assembly. Along with this, prizes were distributed to the winners of various competition conducted by the Vidhyarangam Kala Sahithya Vedhi and the libraries in the locality.School headmaster Shajahan sir got promotion as AEO, so he left our school. The plan for visiting the Kareepra Sharanalayam was initiated.                                              

This time, class reflection was conducted. We discussed about the classes taken by the students and their mistakes in it with our teachers. We completed the Lesson Plan for the next week and get it signed by our teacher. Thus we come to the end of one more week of our school induction.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Weekend reflection

This week's reflection has been conducted on 6/07/2019.This week we have losed 2 days owning to strike.
This week I was able to complete 6 lesson plans.I have taken one ICT class also.It was very effective to take class using ICT.Students were more interested to learn on ICT based classes.The mentor teacher has also came to see the class.She observed all my classes and commented positively.
In the reflection section conducted in our college one common problem faced by the teacher students was that in almost all schools the children are not possess the basic ability to write malayalam .Hence the B.Ed students are teaching them the malayalam alphabets.Also the students have raised positive comments also.Many technology integrated programs are implementing in many schools like new learning apps and so on.Through the reflection section we got many tips to improve our teaching practise.

Monday, June 24, 2019

First week of school induction

Our school induction has been started on 19/06/2019.I opted Govt H.S Pooyappally for my teaching practice.
On the first day we reached the school on time.The school time is from 10.00am to 4.00am.We met the principal early morning and he granded permission to us.A general assembly was conducted on the day to celebrate "vayanadinam".The principal addressed the students.He has made a speech on the importance of reading habits among students.As a part of the vayanadinam the students have contributed books for their class library.
On the second day also a general assembly has been conducted to distribute study materials to economically backward students.The panchayath president has inaugurated the function and distributed the study materials.The principal has chaired the function.Also a program was implemented to give free swimming practice to selected students form the school.The students welcomed the program.On the second day Ihave taken my first class in standard 9.I have taken physics topic.The concern  teacher also came to see the class.Eventhough I have suffered a little at the biginning I was able to complete the topic.
On the next day there was no assembly due to heavy rain.I have both 8 and 9 to take classes.I have completed 2 lesson plans on the day.There was many doubtful concept were there in my todays concept.Through proper discussion with the students the doubts have been cleared.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

First phase of school induction has been started

Our schoolinduction programe has been started on 19/06/2019.I have opted govt.HS Pooyappally for my teaching practice.On the very first day itself we reached the school on time.The school time is from 10.00a.m to 4.00p.m.A general assembly was conducted on the day to celebrate the 'Vayanadinam'.Many programes have been conducted on the day.
The school principal Shajahan sir has addressed the students on the day.He talked about the importance of reading and how it help the mental development of students.A quizz competition has also been organized.
I have no period on my first day.Hence I went for collecting information about various activities of the school.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Valedictory function of our senior students

The valedictory function has been arranged for the seniors in our college.Also a farewell was given to our manager Fr .Georgekutty.The function has been inagurated by the new manager Zachariah Rambachan.We have given a hearty welcome to him.The function was chaired by our principal Roy sir.The union chairperson our beloved teachers Hari sir and Santhosh sir has also given a speech.Awards were given to students who secured different positions in academic sports and arts competition.Ms.Annie was  selected as the best teacher trainee of the year 2017-2019 batch.
Lunch was provided for all students.In the afternoon section different cultural programs have been conducted.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Annual sports meet has been conducted

The annual sports meet has been conducted on 23/03/2019,under the initiative of our physical education professor George sir.The sports meet was inaugurated by oru principal Roy sir by hosting the flag.Thereafter the sports secretary Neethu Mathew has read the pledge and students followed it. In the inaguration ceremony all the students were assembled in house base - diamond ,ruby ,and pearl.
At sharp 9.10 the competition started.The following events were conducted.50m race,100m race,javelin throw,shortput,discussthrow,long jump and 400m rely.All the students have actively participated in various events.At 10 o clock the refreshment committee has provided all the students with snacks and water.The games have ben completed around 11  o clock.Due to the tight time schedule discuss throw and shortput has been conducted on 20th afternoon.
After all the games has been over the prize distribution ceremony has been conducted.Our union chairperson Fr.Mathew baby has made the inagural address.The local manager of our college Fr.Georgekutty and our principal along distribited the prize to the winners.The overall champion ship prize was given to Jincy and Arya.The house Ruby has win the maximum score and secured the trophy.With the national anthem the program has been winded up.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

School induction program has been conducted

As per the B.Ed curriculum the school induction program has been conducted from 4/01/2019 to18/01 2019.I have opted Govt.high school, Pooyappally.7 students of our college  from different options have been there in the school. 
As the instructions from our college 3 lesson plan  we want to take and 2 classes should observe On the first day itself I have observed the class of one chemistry teacher Elizabeth.We observed 9th standard malayalam medium class.The chapter  taken was Non metals.The next day continuation of the class have been observed.
For taking class I got the chapter "Water" of standard 8 chemistry.I prepared lesson note on the topics Properties of water, Boiling point of water and Heat capacity of water.The first day itself I have taken my first class.I have successfully taken my first class and it was a good experience for me.I have taken english medium.The students were very cooperative.On the successive days I have taken the other two topics.Our tutor also watched my class.
We have also collected the complete details about the school like its history,location , members,school uniform, organizations of the school and so on.The head master Harsha Kumar sir has been helped us a lot.Other teaching staffs also shared the details they know.
After the 5 days induction program a reflection section has been conducted in our college on 22/01/2019.All the students shared there experience.Some common problems arised was poor infrastructure of the school, poor organisation of available resources, library, science lab.Otherwise all have good opinions to tell.
The school induction program has provided with me a lot of experience and confidence as a teacher trainee.As a beginner into a new profession the program was really encouraging and more informative about our educational system and practice

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Puppetry making class was conducted

.As a part of art education puppetry making class was conducted in our college on 27/02/2019.Gopalakrishnan Nair ,retired teacher in art education of Eroor govt school was the resource person.He has shared the knowledge about different puppetries prevailing in oru country.
Indian puppetry is a subject as varied as the many cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent. Several regional genres make puppetry one of the richest heritages of India.
The different types of puppeys in kerala are string puppet,rod puppet,glove puppet and finger puppet.In schools we use fingure puppets It will be more effective to teach students using this method .Through finger puppet we can demonstrate different models of animals plants birds etc.
In puppetry making class Sir has taught as the making of different finger puppet,glove puppet and string puppet.The students are divided into different groups in option wise.Each groups have made many number of puppets.Then each group has made a 10 min script based on any topic of there concern subject.Using the made puppetry they have presented the skit.The class was very useful to us as a teacher trainer .We can adopt this method to teach students in many ways.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

celebrated chritmas grandly

We have celebrated Christmas program on 21st December.The program was inaugurated by K.T Varghese achan.The program was chaired by Fr.Mathew Baby.Our principal and manager has also delivered a speech.The speech made by our chief guest was really inspiring.At the end section cake cutting ceremony was there.
After the inauguration section various programs has been arranged by the B.Ed students.Group dance ,music,Tabloo,maragamkali all were there .All the students have enjoyed a lot.A Christmas father was there.The program has ended by giving gifts to Christmas friend.