Thursday, December 13, 2018

Our college has started an agricuture program

With the help of the agricultural department our college has taken initiative to undertake organic farming across 1 acres of land.The honourable mayer has inagurated the programme.Many officials from the agricultural office ,Kottarakkara has been participated in the programme.All the guest have been planted vegetable saplings.
The method adopted for cultivation is fertigation.

Fertigation is the injection of fertilizers, soil amendments, water amendments and other water-soluble products into an irrigation system.

The programme will promote the students interest towards agriculture.It will ensure more participation from the side of students.

Field trip

Field trip has been conducted on 6th December for the first year students.All the 50 students and teachers participated in the program.We visited Padalam Valiyakoikkal temple , Kaipuzha palace.Then we gone to visit the milma plant Pathanamthitta.Then we have visited the smarakam.After the lunch we visited the konni elephant park.

At Pandalam we visited the temple. It is the norm for pilgrims on the way to Sabarimala to offer prayers at the Valiyakoikal temple on the banks of Achenkovil river, which has been modelled on the Sabarimala shrine.Kaipizha palace is the place where lord Ayyappa was born and brought up by the king.We have also seen the Thiruvabharanam of lord Ayyappa.

We have made a visit to the milma plant where we got a direct experience about the various processing of milk.The various sectors like separation of fat,pasteurization,adding fat content,packing and storing has been seen.Also the production of curd ,ghee, paneer ,peda has been understood through the visit.

Muloor smarakam is a historical place where the great poet Muloor Pathmanabha Panicker has been born and brought up.The house of muloor is retained as such with the furnitures books etc that was used by him.

Finally we visited the Konni elephant park.

Our first association programme has been conducted

The first association programme of the physical science option has been conducted on 26th October.We had invited all the teachers principal all the students and the non teaching staffs to the program.We started the program with a prayer song.Our principal presented the logo of our group name , SPECTRA.

Many cultural programs has been conducted.At the beginning we started oru program with a tribute to the famous violinist Balabhaskher.Then the game section has begun.Identifying the scientist, lighting the candle, quiz all has been conducted.Dance program and group song was also performed.A skit was also performed by students about 'Plastic'.

At the end of the program prize distribution was done by all teachers to the winners of the games.Finally a vote of thanks was given to all those who corporated with the program.We had a nice experience.All have actively participated in the program.

Monday, October 22, 2018

sports meet has been conducted

Sports meet for the year 2018-20 has been conducted on 17-10-2018.Our principal Roy sir inagurated the meet.The programme started at 10.00am. 

The students are divided into 3 houses.The name of the houses are Ruby,Pearl and Diamond.

The items performed were Badminton (singles and doubles) and chess competition.The competitions were conducted on house based.The programmes were conducted under the initiative of our physical education sir Mr.George.All the games were really interesting and all students were actively participated in the games.

The refreshment committee has supplied snacks in the mid session. All the cleaning activities were done by the students of cleaning committee.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

The second presentation  was the 'skill of stimulus variation'.It consist of the following components. Focusing,movements,gestures, voice modulation,change in interaction style,pausing and oral-visual switching.This skill actually involves the deliberate change in the stimuli presented by the teacher for the purpose of drawing , stimulating and maintaining the attention of learners throughout the class.
The topic which I have selected was "Ionic bond" and received good comments and appreciation from the teacher and observers.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Microteaching session has been conducted

Microteaching Session has been conducted for the academic year 2018-2020.
It was conducted on 12-10-2018 and 15-10-2018.Each students were given two skills to practise.The session was very useful for us.
I have got the skills
[1]  Skill of explaining
[2]  Skill of stimulus variation

Skill of explaining consist of five components.Use of beginning statement,use of explaining links,use of mediators,use of conclusion statement and questioning to check the pupils understanding.I took the topic in chemistry "Thomson's atom model"for presenting this skill.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Making of paper carrybag as a part of SUPW

As a part of Socially Useful Product Work in our curriculum a class has been conducted on the making of paper carry bag. The programme was conducted on october 2nd Ghandhijayanti day.On the aftrnoon session all the students participated in cleaning the classroom and the surroundings.The lunch was arranged in our college itself on the particular day.
The SUPW class was taken by the music teacher of sadanandapuram high school Mr.Mohanlal .It was a very useful work.
In this 21st century plastic waste is a major issue.On this context it is very essential to get rid of problems related to plastic.Hence we think about paper carry bag which is an essential thing in our day to day life.It can lead to a plastic free society.
Its making is as follows.
Materials required:coloured chartpaper,eyelet,gum,toin
Tools required:scale,scissors,eyelet punch,punching machine,hammer
Method:Take the chart paper.Assuming the size of carrybag fold the paper on one side.(eg:if we need 8cm width on sides take 4cm to fold).The opposite side is folded into the foldings of first side.Then stick that side using gum.Then take a measurement of 2 times the lenght we take  first time(eg:4cm we taken for the sides.Here take 2×4 =8cm from bottom).Fold the 8 cm on both sides such a way that to obtain the bottom of the carrybag.Then stick it using a gum.Now the corners of the upper end is cut in the shape of a triangle using a scissors.Bent the four sides into the bag.Thus the mouth of the bag becomes hard.Then make holes on the top end exactly at the middle using a punching machine.Place the eyelet into the hole and fix it using the eyelet punch and hammer.Then tie the toin through the holes on both sides.We can make the bottom more hard by sticking a sheet of chartpaper on the bottom portion.The  carrybag is ready to use.We can make it .ore attractive using beautiful pictures , or using printing media.

"It is easier to stay off drugs than to get off drugs"

An awarness programe has been conducted in our college 'on druge and alcohol abuse among students'. It has been conducted as a part of the awarness campaign by the Kerala Exicse Department.The excise department is conducting this program on educational institutions all over Kerala.The authorities of Kottarakkara excise office conducted the class in our college.Excise officer Mr.Aswanth has taken a thoughtprovoking class.As we are teacher trainers the relavance in knowing more about drug abuse is significant.Then only it will help as in identifying such issues in the schools.

The officer has given a correct picture about the reasons , situations, defects and social issues related to drug abuse among students.He also clarified the doubts of listners.Our principle , teachers and other staffs had been participated in the discussion.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Art and craft

As a part of our curriculum Art and craft work has been conducted on 11th september under the initiative of Riju sir.We have made 5 art work.Doll making , geometrical shape, rose flower making,shoe flower making using organic cloth and bottle designing are the works we had done.It was very interesting.Their were resource persons for for each work.They first shown the making.The students followed it.

The doll was made using wool thread.The materials required were coloured wool thread,sequence and scissors.A small notebook was taken.Then the thread was rolled horizontally around the book.Then the rolled thread was taken out of the book.It was tied on both sides.The thread was rolled vertically also around the book.It was also taken out and tied on one side.This is the body of the doll.The tied end is the head part.The horizontally rolled peice was put in between the vertically rolled peice towards the head part.The remaining portion was equally divided and tied into two parts.This are the two legs.Then all the ends were cut using scissors and made it in the form of a doll.It' face was decorated using sequences.

Second one is a cube.For that a chart paper was cut in equal dimensions.I had taken 5 cm each.It was then folded in the right form and joined.

The third making was a rose flower.The materials required were colored tissue paper, thin steel wire,thread and scissors .The tissue paper was cut into squares.Then it was folded in a particular way so as to make the petals of the flower.Many petals was made like this.Each petal was then tied around the thin wire using thread in the right way so as to obtain a beautiful rose flower.The wire is then rolled with green tissue so as to obtain the stem.

Then fourth item we made was a shoeflower.The materials required were cotton cloth,steel wire thread and tissue roll.The cloth was cut into equal squres.Each peice was then rolled around a pencil tightly and taken off without disturbing the roll.It was then twisted in a particular way so as to obtain the petals.The petals are then tied on the steel wire and arranged to obtain the flower.

The last one was the craft work of designing a bottle.A glass bottle was taken and it was designed using sequence glitter and coloured thread.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Started the first association programme of 2018-20 batch begins

The first association programme was conducted by the malayalam option .Very interesting programmes were included.Our principal officially declaired the name of their group "Aarushi".Many games dances and songs were included in their programme.Gifts were also given to the winners.

Grandly celebrated the 'Teacher's day'

The teacher's day has been celebrated very grandly and delibrately.The cheif guest was Unnikrishnan sir ,malayalam department head of DB college sasthamkotta.The programme was coordinated by principal.Welcome was given by first year B.Ed student Bijin.Our manager and beloved sir Harikumar also speaked some words.Our union secretary gave the vote of thanks.The speech made by unnikrishnan sir was thoughtprovoking one.Two of our freinds talked about their teachers who inspired them a lot.The students gave small gifts also to the beloved teachers.A cake cutting function was also their at the end session.

A releif fund was given to a victim of flood

A fund was raised from the college students that has to be given to a victim of the flood.Our teachers also made their on contribution.The fund was given to one of our freinds itself.She is a second year B.Ed natural science student Pinal.T.Paul.She is coming from one of the most flood affected region of Raanni.Her family shifted to the camp even.Many loss happened to her house and equipments.She is also from an economically backward family.Really she deserves the help. 
The fund was given in presence of our princial and teachers.It was handed over by students itself.Pinal also shared her experience during the flood.

Welcome function has been conducted

A welcome function has been conducted on 31st August.It was coordinated by second year B.Ed students to welcome the freshers.It was an exciting function with lot of fun.Our respected principal and beloved teachers have been participated in the function.Many interesting games and programs were there.I also got one interestig task.The programme was arranged in the afternoon session.All the students have been actively participated in the program.Snacks are also distributed at the end of the programe.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Debate on " Scope of ICT -merits and demerits "

A debate was conducted on the importance of ICT in education.Neethu from malayalam option was the moderator of the debate.All students actively participated in the debate.Some of them favoured ICT while others opposed it.The later pointed out the bad effects of ICT like misuse of mobile , internet , and other technologies by students.While the favouring groups pointed out the various applications like smart classes , study materials , research, enhancing the standered of teaching etc.It was a thought provoking Debate.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world

A mobile bookstall of kerala samskarika vakuppu came to our college.It was very useful and encouraging for us.The expo was conducted on July 11.It continued for 2 days in our college.Many useful books were there in the stall.To initiate learnig by reading is the motto of conducting this type of programes.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Joined B.Ed

Joined for B.Ed at Basellious Marthoma Mathews ll Training College , Kottarakkara.My ambition is to become a good teacher