Thursday, December 13, 2018

Our first association programme has been conducted

The first association programme of the physical science option has been conducted on 26th October.We had invited all the teachers principal all the students and the non teaching staffs to the program.We started the program with a prayer song.Our principal presented the logo of our group name , SPECTRA.

Many cultural programs has been conducted.At the beginning we started oru program with a tribute to the famous violinist Balabhaskher.Then the game section has begun.Identifying the scientist, lighting the candle, quiz all has been conducted.Dance program and group song was also performed.A skit was also performed by students about 'Plastic'.

At the end of the program prize distribution was done by all teachers to the winners of the games.Finally a vote of thanks was given to all those who corporated with the program.We had a nice experience.All have actively participated in the program.

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