Thursday, December 13, 2018

Our college has started an agricuture program

With the help of the agricultural department our college has taken initiative to undertake organic farming across 1 acres of land.The honourable mayer has inagurated the programme.Many officials from the agricultural office ,Kottarakkara has been participated in the programme.All the guest have been planted vegetable saplings.
The method adopted for cultivation is fertigation.

Fertigation is the injection of fertilizers, soil amendments, water amendments and other water-soluble products into an irrigation system.

The programme will promote the students interest towards agriculture.It will ensure more participation from the side of students.

Field trip

Field trip has been conducted on 6th December for the first year students.All the 50 students and teachers participated in the program.We visited Padalam Valiyakoikkal temple , Kaipuzha palace.Then we gone to visit the milma plant Pathanamthitta.Then we have visited the smarakam.After the lunch we visited the konni elephant park.

At Pandalam we visited the temple. It is the norm for pilgrims on the way to Sabarimala to offer prayers at the Valiyakoikal temple on the banks of Achenkovil river, which has been modelled on the Sabarimala shrine.Kaipizha palace is the place where lord Ayyappa was born and brought up by the king.We have also seen the Thiruvabharanam of lord Ayyappa.

We have made a visit to the milma plant where we got a direct experience about the various processing of milk.The various sectors like separation of fat,pasteurization,adding fat content,packing and storing has been seen.Also the production of curd ,ghee, paneer ,peda has been understood through the visit.

Muloor smarakam is a historical place where the great poet Muloor Pathmanabha Panicker has been born and brought up.The house of muloor is retained as such with the furnitures books etc that was used by him.

Finally we visited the Konni elephant park.

Our first association programme has been conducted

The first association programme of the physical science option has been conducted on 26th October.We had invited all the teachers principal all the students and the non teaching staffs to the program.We started the program with a prayer song.Our principal presented the logo of our group name , SPECTRA.

Many cultural programs has been conducted.At the beginning we started oru program with a tribute to the famous violinist Balabhaskher.Then the game section has begun.Identifying the scientist, lighting the candle, quiz all has been conducted.Dance program and group song was also performed.A skit was also performed by students about 'Plastic'.

At the end of the program prize distribution was done by all teachers to the winners of the games.Finally a vote of thanks was given to all those who corporated with the program.We had a nice experience.All have actively participated in the program.