Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Final weekend reflection

The final reflection has been conducted on 13/1/2020.Every student talked about their conscientisation program.Our topic was Global warming.We are able to conduct the awareness program properly.The students of Marthoma Girls high school taken the topic WASTE MANAGEMENT.Odanavattom school has conducted awareness about ROAD SAFETY.And all others shared their experiences.
Finally our teachers talked about their experiences of school visit and observation.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


As per the B.Ed curriculum a conscientization program has been conducted at GHS Pooyppally. We have selected the topic "GLOBAL WARMING".An awareness program about global warming has been conducted at 10/1/2020 at 9C class of our teaching practice school.The program was inaugurated by the school HM Vasanthakumari teacher. Shibu sir the senior assistant has chaired the function.Both of them a wonderful speech about global warming.
In the present scinerio Kerala is facing extreme climate conditions .One of the reason for it is global warming which occurred due to worse human activities.Hence it is necessary to provide an awareness about this issue.That is why we selected the topic
The programs conducted where a skit presentation by the students,then ppt presentation by us and a poster competition has been conducted in the class.Best poster has given prize. Sivapriya teacher from our college has came for the conscientisation program.


As per the B.Ed curriculum an innovative lesson plan has been taken.I have taken the topic "Audibility limit"

Weekend reflection

The second phase of teaching practice was from 04-11-2019 to 10-01-2020.Since there was Christmas exam in between, we went to the school only up to 06-12-2019. Therefore a general reflection has been conducted in the college on 09-12-2019.The reflection has been conducted group wise. Members of each school was called in front of the stage and the reflection has been conducted.Every student teacher shared their experience about their teaching practice days.Our general teacher and optional teacher also  commented about our performance.They have given valuable guidelines to improve our teaching.
After the reflection section we have gone for the discussion about conscientzation program.

Monday, January 27, 2020


As a part of B.Ed curriculum an innovative work has been done based on the chapter 'Non metals' from standard 9.The topics I have chosen where 'Hydrogen and Nitrogen'.

Seventh week of school induction phase -2

The last week of school induction has been started on 6/1/2020 till 10/1/2020.The topic taught were 'natural frequency','factors affecting natural frequency'and 'charecteristics of sound'.I have taken my innovative lesson plan also.'Audibility limit' is the topic I taken for innovative lesson plan.Pupils are really excited in learning through innovative lesson plan.I have demonstrted the topic through a cartoon.  
The conscientisation program has also been condu ted on 10/1/20202.The topic was"Global Warming".
This week I have demonstrated my innovative work also.In the chapter 'Non metals' of standard 9 I have selected the innovative work.I have choosen the conyent Hydrogen and Nitrogen from the chapter.It was prepared in the form of a scrap book.It was prepared with an intention to enable the students for self learning.
An awareness program about protecting our mother tongue has been organised this week in our school.

Sixth week of school induction phase -2

The sixth week of school induction has been started on 31/12/2019 till 4/1/2020.In this week I have completed 4 lesson plans.The topics taken were salts,uses of salts in standard 9 and sound,sources of sound and frequency from 8th standard physics .Uses of salts have been taught using ICT .Many pictures of various salts have been shown.Also I have gone for some substitution classes also.