Tuesday, January 28, 2020


As per the B.Ed curriculum a conscientization program has been conducted at GHS Pooyppally. We have selected the topic "GLOBAL WARMING".An awareness program about global warming has been conducted at 10/1/2020 at 9C class of our teaching practice school.The program was inaugurated by the school HM Vasanthakumari teacher. Shibu sir the senior assistant has chaired the function.Both of them a wonderful speech about global warming.
In the present scinerio Kerala is facing extreme climate conditions .One of the reason for it is global warming which occurred due to worse human activities.Hence it is necessary to provide an awareness about this issue.That is why we selected the topic
The programs conducted where a skit presentation by the students,then ppt presentation by us and a poster competition has been conducted in the class.Best poster has given prize. Sivapriya teacher from our college has came for the conscientisation program.

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