Monday, January 27, 2020

Seventh week of school induction phase -2

The last week of school induction has been started on 6/1/2020 till 10/1/2020.The topic taught were 'natural frequency','factors affecting natural frequency'and 'charecteristics of sound'.I have taken my innovative lesson plan also.'Audibility limit' is the topic I taken for innovative lesson plan.Pupils are really excited in learning through innovative lesson plan.I have demonstrted the topic through a cartoon.  
The conscientisation program has also been condu ted on 10/1/20202.The topic was"Global Warming".
This week I have demonstrated my innovative work also.In the chapter 'Non metals' of standard 9 I have selected the innovative work.I have choosen the conyent Hydrogen and Nitrogen from the chapter.It was prepared in the form of a scrap book.It was prepared with an intention to enable the students for self learning.
An awareness program about protecting our mother tongue has been organised this week in our school.

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